
How to Heal Diseases with Vibroacoustic Therapy?

Vibroacoustic therapy describes a science-based treatment method. It involves using gentle vibrations and calming music to align the mind and body with healthy cellular behavior. Research over the years has shown that the use of vibroacoustics can effectively address emotional and physical issues.

Additionally, studies show that VAT can help with pain management and reduce symptoms. Additionally, this treatment reduces stress, removes cellular waste, and enhances blood circulation. VAT increases metabolism and releases muscle tension, promoting deep relaxation.

How does vibroacoustic therapy work?

The science behind vibroacoustic sound therapy involves affecting the body through low-frequency vibrations. Matter, including the human body, vibrates at different frequencies all the time. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the various frequencies of sound and/or music are converted into vibrations and introduced into the human body, this can be used to bring the body into a healthy state of resonance.

Vibroacoustic therapy experience

If you suffer from acute pain due to an injury, chronic pain, neurological problems, stroke, show any signs of dementia or Alzheimer's, or are dealing with a progressive disease such as Parkinson's disease or COPD, vibration Sound therapy can help.

This non-invasive, energy-based alternative health approach has been used for over 40 years to successfully treat clients who have suffered strokes, are dealing with the pain and stress of cancer treatment, have neurological issues or are recovering from surgery, including knee and hip joints Replacement surgery.

Vibroacoustic therapy can be used in conjunction with any other therapy, whether Western allopathic or alternative.

How to Heal Diseases with Vibroacoustic Therapy

Use different frequencies to treat different individuals

People who want to undergo vibroacoustic therapy provide their details to a vibroacoustic therapist, who uses this data to create a successful treatment for each individual. With these assessment data, interpersonal and emotional disorders can be easily predicted. VAT can then remove these emotional blocks by implementing appropriate self-regulation and self-awareness frequencies.

In conclusion

Certain vibroacoustic frequencies support any emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance. It includes the entire endocrine system and every organ. Additionally, it includes parts of the knees, hips, feet, and spine. Additionally, fibromyalgia, migraines, and arthritis are common. VAT also gives guitar players the frequency of hand pain.

Archwiliwch rolau a buddion therapi corfforol
Sut mae therapi fibroacwstig yn gweithio?
Argymhellir eich
Bag Cysgu Ocsigen Hyperbarig HBOT Siambr Ocsigen Hyperbarig Gwerthwr Gorau Tystysgrif CE
Cais: Ysbyty Cartref
Cynhwysedd: person sengl
Swyddogaeth: gwella
Deunydd caban: TPU
Maint y caban: Φ80cm * 200cm gellir ei addasu
Lliw: Lliw gwyn
cyfrwng dan bwysau: aer
Purdeb crynhoydd ocsigen: tua 96%
Llif aer mwyaf: 120L/munud
Llif ocsigen: 15L/munud
Arbennig Gwerthu Poeth Gwasgedd Uchel hbot 2-4 o bobl siambr ocsigen hyperbarig
Cais: Ysbyty / Cartref

Swyddogaeth: Triniaeth/Gofal Iechyd/Achub

Deunydd caban: Deunydd cyfansawdd metel haen ddwbl + addurniadau meddal mewnol
Maint y caban: 2000mm(L) * 1700mm(W) * 1800mm(H)
Maint y drws: 550mm (Lled) * 1490mm (Uchder)
Cyfluniad caban: Soffa addasu â llaw, potel lleithiad, mwgwd ocsigen, sugno trwynol, Aerdymheru (dewisol)
Crynodiad ocsigen purdeb ocsigen: tua 96%
Sŵn gweithio: <30db
Tymheredd yn y caban: Tymheredd amgylchynol +3 ° C (heb gyflyrydd aer)
Cyfleusterau Diogelwch: Falf diogelwch â llaw, falf diogelwch awtomatig
Arwynebedd llawr: 1.54㎡
Pwysau caban: 788kg
Pwysedd llawr: 511.6kg / ㎡
Ffatri HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata therapi siambr ocsigen siambr hyperbarig Eisteddwch i lawr pwysedd uchel
Cais: Ysbyty Cartref

Cynhwysedd: personau sengl

Swyddogaeth: gwella

Deunydd: deunydd caban: TPU

Maint y caban: 1700 * 910 * 1300mm

Lliw: mae'r lliw gwreiddiol yn wyn, mae gorchudd brethyn wedi'i addasu ar gael

Pwer: 700W

cyfrwng dan bwysau: aer

Pwysau allfa:
OEM ODM Duble Dynol Sonig Dirgryniad Ynni Sawna Power
Gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad o ddirgryniadau sonig ar draws amleddau amrywiol a thechnoleg hyperthermia isgoch pell, mae'r Sonic Vibration Sauna yn cynnig therapi adsefydlu cynhwysfawr, aml-amledd ar gyfer adferiad sy'n gysylltiedig â chwaraeon i gleifion
OEM ODM Sonic Dirgryniad Ynni Saunas Power ar gyfer pobl sengl
Gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad o ddirgryniadau sonig ar draws amleddau amrywiol a thechnoleg hyperthermia isgoch pell, mae'r Sonic Vibration Sauna yn cynnig therapi adsefydlu cynhwysfawr, aml-amledd ar gyfer adferiad sy'n gysylltiedig â chwaraeon i gleifion
Dim data
Cysylltiad â ni
Guangzhou Sunwith iach technoleg Co., Ltd. yn gwmni a fuddsoddwyd gan Zhenglin Pharmaceutical, sy'n ymroddedig i'r ymchwil.
+ 86 15989989809

Rownd y cloc
Cyswllt gyda nni
Person cyswllt: Sofia Lee
WhatsApp: +86 159 8998 9809
West Tower of Guomei Smart City, Rhif 33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou Tsieina
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