
Infrared Sauna Before or After Workout

Infrared sauna as a physiotherapeutic procedure is widely used in the field of physical therapy, rehabilitation of athletes and prevention of certain diseases, because with its help it is possible to achieve adequate vascular responses to the effects of the external environment. But the use of infrared sauna is also specific. Lately, people have been debating whether it's better to use an infrared sauna before or after a workout, and here's the answer to that question.

Is an Infrared Sauna Better Before or After a Workout? 

People often ask the question: Should a hot infrared sauna be done before or after a workout? And the answer is: it depends on what you're trying to achieve. Of course, regardless of your fitness level, you probably have a few tasks to do before and after each workout.

You can use an infrared sauna before a workout to warm up and relax your muscles. The heat of the sauna is a great way to warm up and relax your muscles. Many athletes like to include a short sauna session as part of their warm-up before a workout.

Of course, the real benefit is achieved if you jump into the infrared sauna after your workout. A post-workout warm-up will speed up your recovery and maximize the benefits of your workout. The heat of the sauna has an amazing effect on your body, especially after a workout. Intense heat is a great way to ease pain, relax tight muscles and speed up recovery. And it's incredibly relaxing, so you'll feel great too.

infrared sauna before or after workout

The Benefits and Risks of Taking a Sauna Before a Workout

When you are ready to start working out, it is usually advisable to do a warm-up first. Infrared saunas help keep you warm. There are certain benefits to using an infrared sauna before a workout, but there are also certain risks to consider.


This gradually moves your body from a resting state to one that is ready for exercise by slowly raising your body temperature, blood flow to your working muscles, and heart rate. In doing so, your working muscles get more oxygen, which is needed to create energy, and your workout may seem a little easier once you get started.

In theory, the same warming effect can be achieved by spending time in a hot environment, such as a traditional or infrared sauna. In these places, your body temperature rises and your blood vessels dilate to improve circulation and increase blood flow to your skin, which helps keep you cool.

Ideally, a warm-up should include movements that activate the full range of motion of all the muscles involved in the workout. For example, if you are going to run a 5K, you need to do smooth movements that activate the stabilizing thigh muscles, large gluteal muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps before you start on the treadmill.

The infrared sauna undergoes a dynamic warm-up that mimics these activation patterns to its more intense version. We know that this not only helps reduce the risk of injury, but also helps neuromuscular efficiency.


One of the biggest safety risks of using a sauna before exercise is dehydration . We know that exercise dehydrates you because most of the time we sweat when we exercise, depending on the temperature, the environment you're in, and the type of exercise you're doing. So you tend to be less dehydrated by already starting to sweat in the sauna.

To make sure you've properly replenished your water balance after your sauna session, pay attention to your body weight before and after you go into the infrared sauna, and then replenish that amount of water. For example, if you lose 1 kg of sweat in the sauna, drink 1.5 liters of water when you're done. Exercise to help your muscles get active and ready for your workout.

The Benefits and Risks of Taking a Sauna After a Workout

However, visiting the infrared sauna immediately after heavy physical exertion is, from the point of view of safety, an issue to consider. And the main reason is the individual state of health and readiness of the organism for deep drops in external temperature. Some people may be contraindicated to the sauna, especially after a hard workout that includes basic exercises (squatting with barbell, deadlift, bench press) due to insufficient cardiovascular health (this is only one factor). But if your reaction to the sauna is, in general, normal, then visit the infrared sauna right after strenuous physical activity, especially if you're still a beginner in the gym – it's not only a useful idea, but actually the only way to relieve painful sensations from the so-called muscle stretch. Of course, there are some risks to be aware of.


There is a near doubling in the intensity of muscle fiber renewal because their blood supply is increased. Blood vessels receive two different types of stimulation. First, you make them expand by straining on the machines, and in the infrared sauna they expand because they need to circulate blood more quickly. As a result, their walls become healthier and more resilient.

In terms of chemistry, the sauna after the gym removes lactic acid from the body, lactate of which is the cause of muscle pain the next day. The destructive hormone cortisol is neutralized. And in addition, there is a release of endorphins in the body, which, after the infrared sauna, is observed such wonderful bliss.

The warming of the organism in the sauna constructively affects the process of getting rid of subcutaneous fat – high temperature and metabolism acceleration stimulate the removal of excessive fat from the body.


First of all, people with hypertension. Changes in temperature after workout can cause a spike in blood pressure. It is better to abstain. Do not go to the sauna.

Skin problems are also a reason to avoid traditional and infrared saunas. Especially when it comes to eczema or increased oiliness.

An increased feeling of thirst is a direct contraindication to heat your body, even though no diseases are caused by thirst. Not only does moisture come out with sweat from the workout, but the rest is supposed to literally evaporate! You better not go to the sauna.

Is It a Good Idea to Combine a Sauna With Your Workout?

It is not a good idea to workout while visiting a sauna. When you take a sauna, your body temperature increases and your heart rate increases. Exercising at the same time will harm the heart and cause risks. When using a traditional or infrared sauna, it is suitable for sitting or lying quietly, and no exercise of any kind is allowed. The sonic vibration half sauna manufactured by Dida Healthy can only allow one visitor to sit and enjoy, avoiding the situation where visitors workout while in the sauna. When there are diseases or contraindications in the body, you must consult your doctor before going to the sauna.

Ndị na-asachapụ ikuku hà na-ekpochapụ ísì?
Kedu ka esi eme ka ikuku dị n'ụlọ gị?
Ị na - atụ aro ị
Hyperbaric Oxygen akpa ihi ụra HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Best ere akwụkwọ CE
Ngwa: Ụlọ Ọgwụ Ụlọ
Ike: onye na-alụbeghị di
Ọrụ: gbakee
Ihe mkpuchi ụlọ: TPU
Cabin size: Φ80cm * 200cm nwere ike ahaziri
Agba: Agba ọcha
pressurized ọkara: ikuku
Oxygen concentrator dị ọcha: ihe dị ka 96%
Oke ikuku: 120L/min
Mmiri ikuku: 15L / min
Ọkụ pụrụ iche na-ere nnukwu nrụgide hbot 2-4 ndị mmadụ hyperbaric oxygen ụlọ
Ngwa: Ụlọ ọgwụ/Ụlọ

Ọrụ: Ọgwụgwọ/Nlekọta ahụike/Nzọpụta

Ihe mkpuchi ụlọ: Ihe mejupụtara igwe nwere okpukpu abụọ + ihe ịchọ mma dị n'ime
Nha ụlọ: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Ọnụ ụzọ size: 550mm (obosara) * 1490mm (Elu)
Nhazi ụlọ: Sofa na-edozi akwụkwọ ntuziaka, karama iru mmiri, ihe mkpuchi oxygen, imi imi, ọnọdụ ikuku (nhọrọ)
Oxygen itinye uche oxygen ịdị ọcha: ihe dị ka 96%
Mkpọtụ arụ ọrụ: 30db
Okpomọkụ dị n'ime ụlọ: Okpomọkụ gburugburu +3°C (na-enweghị ntụ oyi)
Ebe nchekwa: valvụ nchekwa ntuziaka, valvụ nchekwa akpaka
Mpaghara ala: 1.54㎡
Ibu ọnụ ụlọ: 788kg
Nrụgide ala: 511.6kg/㎡
Ụlọ ọrụ HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata oxygen ụlọ ọgwụgwọ hyperbaric ụlọ Nọdụ ala elu mgbali.
Ngwa: Ụlọ Ọgwụ Ụlọ

Ike: ndị na-alụbeghị di

Ọrụ: gbakee

Ihe onwunwe: ihe ụlọ: TPU

Ọnụ ụlọ: 1700*910*1300mm

Agba: agba mbụ na-acha ọcha, mkpuchi akwa ahaziri ahazi dị

Ike: 700W

pressurized ọkara: ikuku

Nrụgide ọpụpụ:
OEM ODM Duble Human Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Ike
N'iji ngwakọta nke ụda ụda sonic n'ofe dị iche iche na nkà na ụzụ hyperthermia dị anya, Sonic Vibration Sauna na-enye usoro nhazigharị ọtụtụ ugboro maka mgbake egwuregwu maka ndị ọrịa.
OEM ODM Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Ike maka ndị na-alụbeghị di
N'iji ngwakọta nke ụda ụda sonic n'ofe dị iche iche na nkà na ụzụ hyperthermia dị anya, Sonic Vibration Sauna na-enye usoro nhazigharị ọtụtụ ugboro maka mgbake egwuregwu maka ndị ọrịa.
Enweghị data
Gị na anyị kpọọ
Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co., Ltd. bụ ụlọ ọrụ nke Zhenglin Pharmaceutical tinyere, raara nye nyocha ahụ.
+ 86 15989989809

Gburugburu elekere
Na - enye
Onye kọntaktị: Sofia Lee
WhatsApp: +86 159 8998 9809
West Tower nke Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou China
Nwebiisinka © 2024 Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co., Ltd. - didahealthy.com | map saịtị
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