
Can I Sleep on a Massage Table?

The massage table is a wonderful device, thanks to which many diseases bypass a person, and already manifested heal faster. After all, the massager stretches and straightens the spine, which directly affects the health of almost all internal organs. Additional options for massage tables include transformability, automatic control systems, sound, vibroacoustic therapy and more. No wonder so many users leave rave reviews about massage beds. Can I sleep on a massage table? What should I look for?

Can you sleep on a massage table?

You can sleep on the massage table, but be careful, or ask the massage therapist to help with the massage.If the massage therapist wants to achieve relaxation for the patient, sleep is a great help. After all, sleep is rest and removal of negativity, so necessary for a person. At the same time, the muscles are recharged. Charging and sleeping – a great combination, which can combine, as I see it, only massage. There is no better. So get a good night's sleep.

But if you use a massage bed alone, such as an automatic massage bed, a vibroacoustic sound massage table, etc. Without additional massage therapists, you need to pay attention to the timing of the massage. Do not fall asleep on the massage table for a long time, because if you feel any discomfort, you need to stop the massage immediately, otherwise it will easily harm your health. Also, be sure to consult a doctor before using an automatic massage table yourself.

can i sleep on a massage table

Precautions for sleeping on a massage table

Problems with the use of massage tables are not limited to contraindications in the presence of certain diseases. Even a healthy person can get hurt if they do not follow basic operating rules . If you are going to sleep on a massage table, there are several rules and prohibitions:

A massage table is the best device for therapeutic and relaxing procedures at home. However, for its effective use, it is best to consult a doctor beforehand. Only properly designed individual massage programs, in the absence of serious contraindications, can have serious therapeutic and preventive effects on human health.

Any good deed requires regularity, whether it is exercising, learning languages, or using a massage table. Sessions on it should be done 1 - 3 times a day, for 30 - 50 minutes, with intervals of at least 4 hours. But the final readings largely depend on the age and condition of the body. Too long massage instead of relaxation can lead to hypertonicity and muscle spasm, traumatizing the skin's surface layers. If you feel discomfort during the procedure, get off the massage table immediately.

It is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, coffee or energy drinks before massage. Otherwise, intense massage may result in strong vascular spasms.

Acute back and lower back pain as well as spinal misalignment, scoliosis and other serious spine problems are strictly forbidden to be treated by mechanical massage tables. The treatment of these diseases – the task of a chiropractor, a mechanical massage in a massage table will never be able to take into account all the nuances and conduct comprehensive treatment. But it is easy to do harm.

Benefits of sleeping on massage table

It 's hard to overestimate the impact a massage table has on the body. Without leaving home, you can work on problem areas of the neck, back, shoulders and legs, relax, feel light and a burst of energy. And if you use a massage table wisely and regularly, then very soon you are guaranteed to say goodbye to chronic fatigue, stress and bad moods.

Sleep on a massage table, with regular massage, the body becomes toned, improves blood circulation, is pain in the back and neck. Normalizes physical, emotional and psychological state, increases endurance.

The massage table helps reduce nervous and muscular tension. It only takes 15-20 minutes to regain strength after a hard day at work. And before going to bed, a relaxing massage can help all those who are tossing and turning in bed for a long time and suffering from insomnia.

Massage table is considered a more gentle option in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The pads are softer and gentler than human hands.

The massage table not only affects the different layers of the skin, but also affects the central nervous system through many receptors. Massage dilates skin vessels, improves blood circulation, activates skin nutrition and makes skin supple and elastic.

Disadvantages of sleeping on massage table

The biggest disadvantage of sleeping on a massage table is that you may fall asleep during the massage, resulting in a long massage. Too long a massage can easily damage your health. Of course, you can set a time reminder to avoid this situation.

As with any other device, if you follow the instructions, there is nothing to be afraid of. Consult a doctor if necessary to study contraindications. Side effects can occur only if you are not careful about your health.

If you feel pain during the massage, see your doctor. Do not ignore your body's signals. After the session, do not stand up suddenly. Better yet, spend a few minutes resting on the massage table. When used correctly and wisely, the massage table will only have a healthy effect.

One last thing. The massage table is not a medical device. To solve serious health problems, consult doctors and professional masseurs.

How to lay on massage table?

Massage is a great way to relax after a hard day or relieve muscle tension. In order for the massage to be useful and enjoyable, it is necessary to lie down correctly on the massage table. 

  • Lie down: lie on your back and stretch your legs out straight, with your hands slightly away from your body. Make sure your neck and lower back are in a neutral position. For this, you can put a small pillow under them.
  • Abdominal position: lie down on your stomach and place a small pillow under the massage table. Your arms are placed along your body, and your head rests on the face support.

Infrared Sauna Pros et Cons
Utrum Infrared Sauna Auxilium Cum Inflammatione?
Ad tibi
Hyperbaricum Oxygen Dormiens Pera HBOT Hyperbaricum Oxygenum Cubiculum Sansoni CE libellum
Applicationem: Domus Hospitalis
Facultatem: una persona
Munus: recuperare
Cameram materialem: TPU
Cameram size: Φ80cm*200cm potest nativus
Color: Color albus
pressurized medium: aer
Concentrator puritatis Oxygeni: circa 96%
Max airflow 120L/min
Oxygeni fluxus:15L/min
Special Hot Selling High Pressure hbot 2-4 people hyperbarici oxygeni cubiculi
Applicationem: Hospitium / Home

Munus: Curatio / Healthcare / erue

Cameram materialem: Metallum duplex iacuit materia composita + interior ornamentum molle
Cameram size: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Porta amplitudo: 550mm(Width)*1490mm(Height)
Cameram configuration: Manual commensuratio Sofa, utre humidificationis, larva oxygenii, suctus nasi, Aeris conditionalis (libitum)
Oxygeni puritas concentration oxygeni: circa 96%
Opus sonitus: < 30db
Temperatus in Cameram: temperatus ambiens +3°C (sine aer Conditioner)
Safety Facilities: Manual salus valvae, automatic salus valvae
Area area: 1.54㎡
Cameram pondus: 788kg
Solum pressura: 511.6kg/㎡
Factory HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata oxygeni cubiculi hyperbarici theraphim de cubiculi hyperbarici Sede-down altae pressurae
Applicationem: Domus Hospitalis

Facultas: singuli

Munus: recuperare

Materia: materia Camera: TPU

Cameram size: 1700*910*1300mm

Color: original color is albus, customized pallium operimentum is available


pressurized medium: aer

Pressura exitus:
OEM ODM Duble Human Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Power
Mixtio vibrationum sonicarum adhibitis per varias frequentias et hyperthermias longe infractas technologiae, Sonic Vibratio Sauna comprehensivam, multi-frequentiam rehabilitationis therapiae praebet pro ludis actis aegris receptam.
OEM ODM Sonic Vibratio Energy Saunas Power pro uno populo
Mixtio vibrationum sonicarum adhibitis per varias frequentias et hyperthermias longe infractas technologiae, Sonic Vibratio Sauna comprehensivam, multi-frequentiam rehabilitationis therapiae praebet pro ludis actis aegris receptam.
absque notitia
Contactum nobis
Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co, Ltd. societas Pharmaceutica ab Zhenglin investita est, investigationi dicata.
+ 86 15989989809

Contactum nos
Contactus persona: Sofia Lee
Whatsapp +86 159 8998 9809
Occidentalis Turris Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou China
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