
What Is the Ideal Infrared Sauna Temperature?

The temperature in the infrared sauna is one of the important parameters. The principle of operation of the device in question is to some extent different from traditional steam rooms. In principle, it is possible to raise / lower the temperature in the infrared sauna by a certain number of degrees, if you wish. The first thing you should be aware of when setting the temperature is how you feel. What is the ideal temperature for an infrared sauna? The right sauna temperature works best.

What’s the Temperature of an Infrared Sauna?

All warm objects, including people, produce infrared waves. The length of infrared waves produced by humans is 6-20 microns. This is the range of long wavelength infrared radiation that is safe for all people. In an infrared sauna, the IR wavelength is 7-14 microns. During the heating session, the air temperature in the infrared sauna does not rise too much and corresponds to a comfortable temperature for sweating – 35-50 degrees.

If you do not like hot baths, then the infrared sauna will definitely have to be liked. All because the air temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 50-60 ° C. Infrared saunas, as a rule, heated to 40-60 ° C. The humidity inside them varies between 45-50%. But despite this, the rays penetrate deep enough inside the body and warm the body better than in conventional baths.

All due to the fact that the length of infrared waves from the emitters is the same length as the heat waves coming from a person. Therefore, our body perceives them as its own and does not hinder their penetration. The human body temperature rises to 38.5. This helps to kill viruses and harmful microorganisms. Such a procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and preventive effect.

What’s the Ideal Temperature?

The bright impact of infrared sauna on the body is mainly expressed by the deep warming of the body: measurements have shown that the human body in some areas is heated up to 4-6 inches deep, while the temperature of the surrounding air does not increase critically. The air temperature in the infrared cabin, which is how and looks like a sauna, maximum rises to 60 ° C, an average of 40-50 ° C.

At an ideal temperature of 40-50 degrees, the human body does not experience any discomfort, does not create a load on the heart, which occurs in normal bathing sessions. At the same time, sweating is more intense. Softer and more comfortable conditions in the infrared cabin provide a health effect: the body gets rid of harmful substances, metabolism is accelerated, cardiovascular diseases are prevented, tissues are enriched with oxygen.

If you first visit the infrared sauna, then staying in it for more than 20 minutes is not recommended and the temperature should not be set above 45 degrees Celsius. If you feel profuse sweating, you can wipe yourself with a towel and drink clean water. After visiting the thermal sauna, it is recommended to take a warm shower, rest or even take a nap for half an hour. It will fill the body with energy and give strength. Dry heat treatment is recommended systematically, no more than 3 times a week.

ideal infrared sauna temperature

Lower Infrared Temperatures Are Better for You

Since the air in it is less heated and there is no steam formation, it is easier to withstand. With a sauna with a lower temperature, people in it are in more comfortable conditions, the possibility of burns is excluded. It is possible to fully enjoy the therapeutic effects of the sauna even for the elderly and children, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, those who feel uncomfortable because of the heat.

The lower temperature of infrared saunas compared to steam rooms tends to ease the strain on the body. For users who may have eye or lung problems, including difficulty breathing in high humidity and heat, they may choose an infrared sauna to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Using a cooler infrared sauna produces a viscous, greasier sweat while losing much less electrolytes. Excessively high temperatures can even easily cause burns to the upper respiratory tract.

Why Air Temperatures Still Matter in a Sauna

Many people like to visit the steam room. But in order to relax, get a positive result from the procedure, and at the same time not harm your health, you need to know what the optimal temperature in the bath is. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of humidity and the quality of steam. The human body feels heat more strongly at high humidity.

The temperature in the sauna without harming the human body is usually kept within 60 degrees Celsius. High temperatures are also dangerous for other changes in the body: high blood pressure. Reduced skin, rashes. Rapid dehydration of the body. Fainting, nausea, vomiting. General weakness, cramps, spasms.

Do You Need to Preheat an Infrared Sauna?

Before starting the procedure, preheat the emitters for 10-15 minutes. You can start the heating session 3-5 minutes after turning on the sauna. This time is given for infrared heaters to warm up and enter working mode.

Please note that the cabin air temperature will not indicate whether the sauna is ready for use. It can only be determined by the surface heating temperature of the emitters. When the desired temperature is reached, the heaters are automatically switched off. Dida Healthy combines sonic vibration technology with far-infrared sauna to develop sonic vibration half sauna.

Quid est UVC Air Purificans?
Estne infrared Sauna bonum frigidum?
Ad tibi
Hyperbaricum Oxygen Dormiens Pera HBOT Hyperbaricum Oxygenum Cubiculum Sansoni CE libellum
Applicationem: Domus Hospitalis
Facultatem: una persona
Munus: recuperare
Cameram materialem: TPU
Cameram size: Φ80cm*200cm potest nativus
Color: Color albus
pressurized medium: aer
Concentrator puritatis Oxygeni: circa 96%
Max airflow 120L/min
Oxygeni fluxus:15L/min
Special Hot Selling High Pressure hbot 2-4 people hyperbarici oxygeni cubiculi
Applicationem: Hospitium / Home

Munus: Curatio / Healthcare / erue

Cameram materialem: Metallum duplex iacuit materia composita + interior ornamentum molle
Cameram size: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Porta amplitudo: 550mm(Width)*1490mm(Height)
Cameram configuration: Manual commensuratio Sofa, utre humidificationis, larva oxygenii, suctus nasi, Aeris conditionalis (libitum)
Oxygeni puritas concentration oxygeni: circa 96%
Opus sonitus: < 30db
Temperatus in Cameram: temperatus ambiens +3°C (sine aer Conditioner)
Safety Facilities: Manual salus valvae, automatic salus valvae
Area area: 1.54㎡
Cameram pondus: 788kg
Solum pressura: 511.6kg/㎡
Factory HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata oxygeni cubiculi hyperbarici theraphim de cubiculi hyperbarici Sede-down altae pressurae
Applicationem: Domus Hospitalis

Facultas: singuli

Munus: recuperare

Materia: materia Camera: TPU

Cameram size: 1700*910*1300mm

Color: original color is albus, customized pallium operimentum is available


pressurized medium: aer

Pressura exitus:
OEM ODM Duble Human Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Power
Mixtio vibrationum sonicarum adhibitis per varias frequentias et hyperthermias longe infractas technologiae, Sonic Vibratio Sauna comprehensivam, multi-frequentiam rehabilitationis therapiae praebet pro ludis actis aegris receptam.
OEM ODM Sonic Vibratio Energy Saunas Power pro uno populo
Mixtio vibrationum sonicarum adhibitis per varias frequentias et hyperthermias longe infractas technologiae, Sonic Vibratio Sauna comprehensivam, multi-frequentiam rehabilitationis therapiae praebet pro ludis actis aegris receptam.
absque notitia
Contactum nobis
Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co, Ltd. societas Pharmaceutica ab Zhenglin investita est, investigationi dicata.
+ 86 15989989809

Contactum nos
Contactus persona: Sofia Lee
Whatsapp +86 159 8998 9809
Occidentalis Turris Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou China
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