
What Are the Vibroacoustic Therapy Benefits?

Sound is a very common phenomenon in life, and harmonious sound frequencies can give a magical experience of spiritual cleansing. Computer-controlled rhythmic sound pulse vibrations are used to resonate specific parts of the body to obtain healing effects. This is where the vibroacoustic therapy benefits are most evident. Through the physical effect of music, it directly resonates with the body, causing it to secrete a physiologically active substance. This produces a rapid and deep relaxation and physiotherapy effect on the person with a good biological effect.

What is Vibroacoustics Therapy?

Vibro acoustics therapy is based on the principle of acoustic vibration, which is a physical principle of acoustic resonance. There are many applications of acoustic vibrations in medical treatment. Ultrasound is used for ultrasound imaging and lithotripsy, etc., low frequency vibrations are used to treat muscle and joint pain, and acupuncturists use pulsed microcurrents to improve the therapeutic effect, etc.

Vibroacoustic sound therapy is a combination of all of these therapeutic principles. It vibrates the human nervous system through stimulation frequencies and produces sympathetic harmonious resonance in different muscle groups and organs. The vibroacoustic therapy equipment delivers synchronized and delicate sound waves to the patient's entire body, making the patient feel that it is a soft, slow vibrational pulsation within the body.

However, the music used in vibroacoustic stimulation is also subject to certain requirements. In addition to having the characteristics of healthy music, there should be some specific requirements in terms of audio. The music should be melodic, soft and layered, and the rhythm of the music should be similar to the rhythm of the body. And it needs to have a wide range of sound, large amplitude, good harmonic components, etc.

What Are the Vibroacoustic Therapy Benefits? 1

Vibroacoustic Therapy Benefits

What is the use of acoustic vibration? Vibro acoustics therapy is indicated for enhancing physical and mental well-being. It activates the cerebral paleocortex and the old cortical layer, promotes brain tissue regeneration, and improves limb microcirculation. And it also has the advantages of: no toxic side effects of drugs, no pain, low labor intensity of care, and can be repeated continuously on a daily basis. Somatic music vibration is an ideal, gentle form of aerobic and passive exercise, especially for those whose exercise is limited by space, age, and physical condition.

Vibroacoustic sound therapy can reduce the feeling of stress, help to relieve a variety of disease distress, and is used for recovery after mental physical exertion. It is conducive to opening up the blood vessels and microcirculatory channels in the brain, improving blood supply to brain tissues, facilitating the exchange of substances inside and outside cell membranes and cell regeneration, etc. It is able to relax muscle spasm and relieve muscle tension. Able to improve insomnia, anxiety, tension, depression state. Improves Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis. Aids in rehabilitation for newborn babies, premature babies, C-section babies, autistic babies, etc.

There has many other vibroacoustic therapy benefits, including: lower blood pressure, health benefits, improving sleep quality, aiding blood circulation, postpartum recovery for women, stroke and vegetative rehabilitation to promote wakefulness, and rehabilitation and conditioning for chronic diseases. It can also be used for patients who are bedridden for long periods of time, constipation, bed sores, hemodialysis, etc.

Is Vibroacoustic Therapy Effective?

Vibroacoustic therapy is very effective, but it does not cure any disease. It stimulates and promotes a harmonious balance of the immune system and organs, which triggers a self-healing process in the body. It is a chemical-free therapy that improves the quality of life and is the most desired result for all patients.

Vibro acoustics therapy has been shown to have significant effects, both physiologically and mentally, to benefit human health. It is essential for the improvement of certain diseases and has a very positive impact on all systems of the body. Over the years, many cases have found vibroacoustic sound therapy to be beneficial and clients have given positive reviews of the treatment. Because of its positive results, even many studies have been looking into the effects of sound therapy on humans and its potential to replace pharmaceutical prescriptions.

Vibroacoustic Therapy Contraindications

Although the vibroacoustic therapy benefits are numerous, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, individual contraindications: congenital heart disease, more severe heart disease, placement of pacemakers or stents, internal bleeding, when there is acute or active inflammation, recent painful herniated discs, etc. cannot be used, and pregnant women should be used with caution. In some cases, it is necessary to consult a physician in advance before using a vibroacoustic therapy equipment.

Daawaynta Soo kabashada waxay kaa caawinaysaa inaad dhakhso u soo noqoto
Waa maxay sababta kicinta Vibroacoustic loo isticmaalaa?
u dhow
Waxaa kuu hagiinaya
Bacda hurda ee Hyperbaric Ogsajiinta HBOT HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber shahaado CE Iibiyaha ugu Fiican
Codsiga: Isbitaalka Guriga
Kartida: hal qof
Function: bogsasho
Qalabka kabadhka: TPU
Cabbirka qolka: Φ80cm * 200cm waa la beddeli karaa
Midabka: Midabka cad
dhexdhexaad ah cadaadis: hawada
Nadiifinta diiriyaha oksijiinta: qiyaastii 96%
socodka hawada ugu badan:120L/min
Socodka oksijiinta: 15L/min
Iibinta Kulul ee gaarka ah hbot 2-4 qof oo ah qolka oksijiinta hyperbaric
Codsiga: Isbitaalka/Guriga

Shaqada: Daawaynta/Caafimaadka/ Samatabbixinta

Qalabka Kabka:Wax ka kooban bir laba-lakab ah + Qurxinta jilicsan ee gudaha
Cabbirka qolka: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Cabbirka albaabka: 550mm(Balac ahaan)*1490mm(Dheer)
Qaabeynta kabadhka: Kursiga fadhiga ee gacanta, dhalo humidification, maaskaro oksijiin, nuugista sanka, xaalad hawadu ku xidhan tahay(ikhtiyaar)
Nadiifinta Ogsajiinta Ogsajiinta: qiyaastii 96%
Sawaxanka shaqada: 30db
Heerkulka qolka dhexdiisa: heerkulka deegaanka +3°C (la'aan hawo qaboojiye)
Xarumaha Badbaadada: Waalka badbaadada gacanta, waalka badbaadada tooska ah
Aagga dabaqa: 1.54㎡
Miisaanka qolka: 788kg
Cadaadiska sagxada: 511.6kg/㎡
Warshada HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata oxygen qolka daaweynta hyperbaric qolka fadhiiso-Down cadaadis sare
Codsiga: Isbitaalka Guriga

Kartida: dadka keligood ah

Function: bogsasho

Qalab: alaabta qolka: TPU

Cabbirka qolka: 1700*910*1300mm

Midabka: Midabka asalka ah waa caddaan, dabool maro gaar ah ayaa la heli karaa

Awoodda: 700W

dhexdhexaad ah cadaadis: hawada

Cadaadiska dibadda:
OEM ODM Duble Human Sonic Vibration Energy Sauna Power
Isticmaalka isku dhafka gariirrada sonic ee soo noqnoqonaya kala duwan iyo tignoolajiyada hyperthermia fog-infrared, Sonic Vibration Sauna waxay bixisaa daaweyn dhamaystiran, baxnaanin soo noqnoqoshada badan ee soo kabashada isboortiga la xiriira bukaanka.
OEM ODM Sonic Vibration Energy Sauna Power ee dadka keligood ah
Isticmaalka isku dhafka gariirrada sonic ee soo noqnoqonaya kala duwan iyo tignoolajiyada hyperthermia fog-infrared, Sonic Vibration Sauna waxay bixisaa daaweyn dhamaystiran, baxnaanin soo noqnoqoshada badan ee soo kabashada isboortiga la xiriira bukaanka.
Xog la'aan
La xirid
Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co., Ltd. waa shirkad ay maalgelisay Zhenglin Pharmaceutical, oo u heellan cilmi-baarista.
+ 86 15989989809

Wareega-saacad kasta
La xiriirida
Qofka lala xiriirinayo: Sofia Lee
WhatsApp:+86 159 8998 9809
Ku dar:
Galbeedka Tower ee Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Degmada Haizhu, Guangzhou Shiinaha
Xuquuqda daabacaadda © 2024 Guangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co., Ltd. - didahealthy.com | Taamka
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