
Why Air Purifier Is Important?

An air purifier is not a luxury, but a necessary appliance. It's just as impossible to live without it as it is without a washing machine. Many people still think of air purifiers as massive units that are installed in all kinds of production facilities. But reality is different. As you can guess from the name, the main task of such equipment is air purification. If you want your home to always be clean and fresh, buy a special technique for an air purifier. It destroys dangerous bacteria that lead to the development of many diseases. Its effectiveness depends on the type and complexity of the filtration system. Why is an air purifier important? What does it do?

Importance of having room air purifiers

Every healthy family should know why they need an air purifier. Residents of large cities will need it, especially those living in industrial areas or near roads. An air purifier will also come in handy in small towns, especially those that live near parking lots, car service stations, and industrial plants. 

This device is actually very useful, especially in this age when there are more and more cars outside, factories emit harmful substances into the atmosphere and there are more smokers. The maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in some cities is exceeded many times over. 

Have you noticed that everyone needs one? But let's say it again: yes, an air purifier will come in handy at home for everyone. The rapid growth of production, the increase in urban population, and with it the number of cars, all this is not the best way to affect the atmosphere. The air around us is saturated with exhaust fumes and harmful impurities that interfere with our full breathing, even if we do not pay attention to it. That's why choosing an air purifier for your apartment or office doesn't seem like a fashionable fad, but rather the same necessity as buying a washing machine.

why air purifier is important

Benefits of an air purifier

Air purifiers are not medical devices, but they remove almost all harmful pollutants, creating a more comfortable environment for living and staying healthy by sparing our bodies the unnecessary effort of cleaning the air with our own respiratory system.

Reduce allergies.

Allergies are a debilitating condition caused by the slightest exposure to dust or impurities, especially if allergens are in the air. Often allergies resemble the onset of a cold and are therefore ignored in many cases. This is not the best approach, as inhaling dusty air can lead to respiratory illness. It also negatively affects the immune system, leading to more frequent upper respiratory problems. All of these problems may not exist if you have an air purifier in your home. An air purifier ensures that your home space is free of impurities and allows you to find a safe haven from allergies. 

Reduce the risk of asthma.

Air purifiers reduce pollutants in your home, including dust, pollen, volatile organic compounds, etc. Asthma and other respiratory complications tend to be exacerbated by microbes and other particles in the atmosphere. This leads to increased problems for asthma sufferers, which is why air purifiers must be installed.

Removes dirt and odors from pets.

Disease-causing bacteria are everywhere. While keeping pets clean helps reduce the risks associated with shedding hair and dead cells, dandruff is still an issue because it is very difficult to maintain consistent pet care. With an air purifier, you can filter out all these dangerous particles and ensure the long-term safety of your family while enjoying your pet's company.

Remove mold and musty odour.

Black mold is dangerous when inhaled because its spores can cause serious allergic reactions. In addition, mold can produce mycotoxins that affect health. Sometimes mold appears where it cannot be seen, such as under floorboards or on the walls of buildings. It produces spores that can enter the home through the ventilation system. Fortunately, an air purifier can catch most of the spores. An ozone purifier destroys all the microorganisms listed above, leaving only a clean and fresh environment for your lungs.

Remove harmful fumes.

Secondhand smoke from cigarette smoke, inhaling air from heavy traffic and industrial emissions can cause diseases from bronchitis to tumors that can lead to cancer. The easiest solution is to buy a suitable air purifier and create the most comfortable conditions for your children's health and development and make your life more enjoyable. An air purifier will help get rid of dangerous particles, thereby reducing the harmful effects they cause.

Get rid of the odors.

Odors can come from a variety of places for a variety of reasons. Persistent odors, including the smell of cigarette smoke or cooking, are difficult to eliminate. Consequences of odors can range from nausea to benign tumors. Remember, VOCs in cleaning products, paints, etc. contaminate the atmosphere of your home, and their scent can cause nausea, shortness of breath, and even affect your cognitive function. If you find it difficult to get rid of pungent odors in your home, professionals recommend buying an air purifier with charcoal or activated charcoal filter. An air purifier can filter the air and rid your home of odors, allowing you to live comfortably.

Reduce the likelihood of illness.

Indoor air pollution can affect the heart, respiratory and nervous systems. An air purifier filters out pathogens and reduces particles that can irritate the immune system and make it easier for a person to cope with complications. An air purifier can eliminate certain bacteria and viruses under certain airflow conditions, keeping you and your loved ones healthy, especially during the cold season. To take full advantage of this benefit, you can use a UV air purifier. UV disinfection provides an additional layer of protection against airborne pathogens. You can choose our A6 air purifier sterilizer, which is an air purifier designed with the concept of killing viruses, equipped with UV sterilization technology.

Sleep improvement.

Large amounts of allergens and other dangerous pollutants in the air can cause sleep disturbances, which then cause daytime sleepiness and headaches. To avoid these problems, it's best to use air purifiers right in your bedroom throughout the night. 

Remove chemicals from the air.

Multiple chemical sensitivities arise from prolonged exposure to chemicals in indoor air. You may also be overly sensitive to common household odors, such as bleach, sprays, and detergents, which reduce the quality of life in the room or even cause lung irritation. An air purifier can improve the situation because it filters out such chemicals.

Ungasisebenzisa Kanjani Isihlalo Somasaji?
Ivelaphi I-Sauna?
I-Hyperbaric Oxygen Sleeping Bag HBOT Isitifiketi Se-CE Esithengiswa Kakhulu I-Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
Isicelo: Isibhedlela Sasekhaya
Ikhono: umuntu oyedwa
Umsebenzi: lulama
Izinto zekhabethe: TPU
Usayizi wekhabhinethi: Φ80cm * 200cm ungenziwa ngezifiso
Umbala: Umbala omhlophe
i-pressurized medium: umoya
Ukuhlanzeka kwe-oxygen concentrator: cishe 96%
Ukugeleza komoya okuphezulu:120L/min
Ukugeleza komoyampilo:15L/min
I-Special Hot Selling High Pressure hbot 2-4 abantu be-hyperbaric oxygen chamber
Isicelo: Isibhedlela/Ekhaya

Umsebenzi: Ukwelashwa/Ukunakekelwa Kwezempilo/Ukuhlenga

Izinto zekhabethe:Izinto ezihlanganisiwe zensimbi eziphindwe kabili + umhlobiso othambile wangaphakathi
Usayizi wekhabethe: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Usayizi womnyango: 550mm(Ububanzi)*1490mm(Ukuphakama)
Ukucushwa kwekhabhinethi: Ukulungisa okwenziwa ngesandla usofa, ibhodlela lokuswakama, imaskhi ye-oxygen, ukumunca amakhala,I-air conditional(uyazikhethela)
Ukuhlanzeka kwe-oksijeni ye-oxygen: cishe i-96%
Umsindo osebenzayo:<30db
Izinga lokushisa ekhabetheni:Izinga lokushisa le-ambient +3°C (ngaphandle kwesimo somoya)
Izinsiza Zokuphepha: I-valve yokuphepha eyenziwe ngesandla, i-valve yokuphepha ezenzakalelayo
Indawo yaphansi: 1.54㎡
Isisindo sekhabethe: 788kg
Ingcindezi yaphansi: 511.6kg/㎡
I-Factory HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata i-oxygen chamber therapy hyperbaric chamber Hlala phansi umfutho ophezulu
Isicelo: Isibhedlela Sasekhaya

Amandla: abantu abangashadile

Umsebenzi: lulama

Indwangu: impahla ye-cabin: TPU

Usayizi wekhabhinethi: 1700 * 910 * 1300mm

Umbala: umbala wangempela umhlophe, ikhava yendwangu eyenziwe ngokwezifiso iyatholakala

Amandla: 700W

i-pressurized medium: umoya

Ukucindezela kokuphumayo:
I-OEM ODM Duble Human Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Amandla
Isebenzisa inhlanganisela yokudlidliza kwe-sonic kuwo wonke amaza ahlukahlukene kanye nobuchwepheshe be-hyperthermia obuyi-infrared, i-Sonic Vibration Sauna ihlinzeka ngokwelashwa okuphelele, okuphindaphindeka kaningi kokululama okuhlobene nezemidlalo ezigulini.
I-OEM ODM Sonic Vibration Energy Saunas Amandla abantu abangashadile
Isebenzisa inhlanganisela yokudlidliza kwe-sonic kuwo wonke amaza ahlukahlukene kanye nobuchwepheshe be-hyperthermia obuyi-infrared, i-Sonic Vibration Sauna ihlinzeka ngokwelashwa okuphelele, okuphindaphindeka kaningi kokululama okuhlobene nezemidlalo ezigulini.
Ayikho idatha
Xhumana naso
IGuangzhou Sunwith Healthy Technology Co, Ltd. yinkampani etshalwe yi-Zhenglin Pharmaceutical, ezinikele ocwaningweni.
+ 86 15989989809

Xhumana nathini
Umuntu ongathintwa: Sofia Lee
WhatsApp:+86 159 8998 9809
West Tower of Guomei Smart City, No.33 Juxin Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou China
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