
How to Make a Massage Table Comfortable?

The massage table is an integral part of massage therapy, which is widely used in a rehabilitation center, spa, community or home. The seeming simplicity of this action turns out to be a very powerful and effective procedure to treat, relieve fatigue, and provide preventative care for a variety of physical conditions. If you regularly work with a massage table, you know that the correct setting is an important task. Only by installing the massage table correctly, maintaining it regularly and using it wisely can users feel more comfortable. Making a massage table comfortable is not difficult if you know the basics.

how to make a massage table comfortable

How to make a massage table comfortable?

If you want to make the massage table comfortable, you can refer to the following points:

Set up correctly

Stationary massage tables usually only need to be assembled once. They take up quite a bit of space, so it's more of an option for professional use. All you need to do periodically with a stationary massage table is to adjust the height of the legs, depending on the situation. You will need to adjust the length of the legs properly. This step is very important because it allows good access to the patient. Check with your hands with pressure to ensure that all legs and cables of the massage table are securely fastened.

A professional massage table is equipped with many accessories to perform various tasks. If you have any difficulty adjusting the height and angle of the table, read the manufacturer's instructions carefully to help your patients feel more comfortable. Only when the massage table is properly installed can it play its greatest role and let the patient feel comfortable on the massage couch.

Proper placement of the massage table

A massage table is best placed to work in a separate room. It should be isolated from extraneous sounds and sounds. Noise irritates the patient, preventing him from fully relaxing and immersing himself in a state where the body is ready to perceive the impact sensitively. 

The massage table should be placed in a place with good lighting, heating and ventilation. The light should fall so as not to irritate the patient's eyes. Both the lack of light and its excess have an adverse effect on the patient's visual equipment.

Massage table design

Any type of massage table should meet the general requirements, it will make it more comfortable:

  • A patient of any build should fit quite comfortably on the top of the table. 
  • The table should be designed to carry heavy loads. 
  • The massage table should be comfortable for the patient, ergonomic. If you can't relax, the whole process loses its meaning. Often women can't relax, worrying about makeup, so opening up for the face is an important part of the design.
  • The massage table top should have a soft surface. 

Maintenance and servicing

Proper use of the massage table, regular maintenance and prevention of damage to the massage bed can maximize the function of the massage bed and make the massage bed more comfortable.

  • Do not make sharp impacts or place sudden heavy loads on the table.
  • Do not stand on the massage table with your feet: the client should sit on the table and then lie down gently, without jerking.
  • Do not place double loads on the table for multiple users, it is not designed for this.
  • Every three months it is worth checking the integrity of the cables along their entire length, but especially where they are attached to other elements and where they are crimped.


After each patient uses the massage table, it should be cleaned on time. Care is carried out with a damp cloth with a cleaning agent without aggressive substances (chlorine, abrasives). Allow the coating time to dry before a second session if the table is used frequently. Keep the surface of the massage table soft and comfortable.

Choosing the right material for the massage table

The thickness and firmness of the material determines the comfort of the customers. Unlike mattresses, massage tables do not use technology to distribute the load to individual zones. That is, the resistance to the user's weight in the area of the head, lumbar, legs will be the same. If a cheap filler is used, dents will appear in places of high load over time. In high quality massage tables, the material will remain elastic for a long time.

In conclusion.

The massage table itself can bring comfort to the patient. If you want to make your massage table more comfortable, you can refer to this article. I hope it helps. In addition, the modern new vibroacoustic sound massage table makes it more comfortable by combining sound wave vibration and heat therapy.

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Εφαρμογή: Home Hospital
Ικανότητα: άγαμος
Λειτουργία: ανάκτηση
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Μέγεθος καμπίνας: Φ80cm*200cm μπορεί να προσαρμοστεί
Χρώμα: Λευκό χρώμα
υπό πίεση μέσο: αέρας
Καθαρότητα συμπυκνωτή οξυγόνου: περίπου 96%
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Υλικό καμπίνας: Σύνθετο μεταλλικό υλικό διπλής στρώσης + μαλακή εσωτερική διακόσμηση
Μέγεθος καμπίνας: 2000mm(L)*1700mm(W)*1800mm(H)
Μέγεθος πόρτας: 550mm (Πλάτος)*1490mm (Ύψος)
Διαμόρφωση καμπίνας: Χειροκίνητη ρύθμιση Καναπές, φιάλη ύγρανσης, μάσκα οξυγόνου, ρινική αναρρόφηση, κλιματισμός (προαιρετικά)
Συγκέντρωση οξυγόνου καθαρότητα οξυγόνου: περίπου 96%
Θόρυβος εργασίας: - 30db
Θερμοκρασία καμπίνας: Θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος +3°C (χωρίς κλιματιστικό)
Εγκαταστάσεις ασφαλείας: Χειροκίνητη βαλβίδα ασφαλείας, αυτόματη βαλβίδα ασφαλείας
Εμβαδόν ορόφου: 1,54㎡
Βάρος καμπίνας: 788 κιλά
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Factory HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata θεραπεία θαλάμου οξυγόνου υπερβαρικός θάλαμος Sit-down υψηλής πίεσης
Εφαρμογή: Home Hospital

Ικανότητα: μεμονωμένα άτομα

Λειτουργία: ανάκτηση

Υλικό: Υλικό καμπίνας: TPU

Μέγεθος καμπίνας: 1700*910*1300mm

Χρώμα: το αρχικό χρώμα είναι λευκό, διατίθεται προσαρμοσμένο υφασμάτινο κάλυμμα

Ισχύς: 700W

υπό πίεση μέσο: αέρας

Πίεση εξόδου:
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χωρίς δεδομένα
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