
What is the Lightest Massage Table?

In addition to basic therapeutic skills, the massage table is an essential tool in your work, especially in rehabilitation. Without it, you cannot provide effective treatment, procedure or session. It is very important to choose the right one. Some people need to move the massage table frequently, aiming to move as lightly as possible. This way, you won't get tired before the massage session and you 'll be more relaxed . At this time, you will need a light massage table or a massage table with wheels. So what is a lightweight massage table and what are its benefits?

What qualifies as a lightweight massage table?

The weight of the massage table is only considered by the manufacturers on the basis of its basic construction. This does not include the weight of armrests, headrests, side devices, head cushions, various racks and other accessories. Lightweight models are considered massage tables weighing less than 13.5 kg. Ultra lightweight – less than 12 kg.

Many factors affect the weight of the design, including the weight of the materials used in it, the size of the massage table, and the thickness of the foam material. Despite the fact that there are ultralight wooden massage beds, it should still be noted that the lightest ones have always been and will always be made of aluminum. This material itself is lighter and, interestingly enough, is also more durable than wood.

Another factor that reduces the weight of the portable massage table is its length and width. The width of the lightweight massage table can not vary so easily, because it depends on your massage techniques on the one hand, and the comfortable position on the couch of the clients on the other. However, if you choose a shorter table, it is natural that its width will be smaller, and therefore the weight will be reduced.

what is the lightest massage table

Why you should consider using a lightweight massage table?

Weight is crucial for the movement of the massage table. To move it to where you want it, you will have to use the strength of your muscles to transport the table. If you want a light and lightweight massage table, you should buy an aluminum or high quality wooden frame. 

Of course, you can also choose a massage table with wheels, which can also achieve the goal of easy movement indoors. The vibroacoustic sound massage table released by Dida Healthy has a wheeled design. Although it is not a lightweight massage table, it can still be moved around the house.

What are the benefits of a lightweight massage table?

The main factors in choosing a massage table are reliability and stability of design, quality of material, and, for individual masseurs, mobility as well. Folding lightweight massage tables are best suited for this category of professionals. Stationary one is designed for places where professional massage services are rendered: clinics, beauty salons, beauty salons and wellness centres. 

Portable lightweight massage tables can be stored at home or in the office, waiting for a personal massage therapist. The folding table does not take up much space and can fit in a closet or under the bed, for example. In an instant, it can turn an ordinary room into a professional massage room. Professional stationary massage tables have an impressive weight, while lightweight massage tables have a few times less weight. You can't move the table from room to room without help or it just may not fit in the door. 

Mobility is the main aspect that makes portable lightweight massage tables superior to stationary tables in terms of versatility. Today, many professional massage therapists are self-employed, traveling to their clients' homes, and they are mainly comfortable with mobile folding tables. It can easily be placed in the trunk of an ordinary passenger car. To avoid damage during transportation, you should always use the special protective covers that come with it. 

Among the many advantages of compactness and mobility over stationary tables, many models of portable tables also have a very low price! A lightweight folding massage table is suitable for most cosmetic services and types of massage, including toning, relaxing, therapeutic, anti-cellulite and others. For successful work, you just need professional equipment! 

How to choose a lightweight massage table?

Finding the best lightweight massage table for your money is not easy, but with a little insider knowledge it can be done. 

A standard massage table consists of a frame, table top, headrest, legs and extras. The frame is made of:

  • Steel. Such models are very strong, durable and have a long service life.
  • Wood. These models are environmentally friendly, reliable and look stylish.
  • Aluminum. Often these are models of lightweight massage tables because of the lightness of the frame. They are reliable, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage.

Most modern massage tables are adjustable in height. There are two types of height adjustment mechanisms:

  • Telescopic leg adjustment system. It can be found in aluminum massage tables. Externally, this mechanism is similar to the devices used in medical crutches. Changing the height with this mechanism is very simple, just press a special button and fix the table to the desired height.
  • Screwing buttons on the legs. With this mechanism, setting the desired height takes a little longer than the previous one, but not more than two minutes. Depending on the price, the massage table may have one or two buttons, which must first be unscrewed to set the desired height, and then screwed to ensure the height.

For personal use, you can choose either a folding table or a stationary table. See for yourself how you prefer, whether the living space allows you to take a place under a stationary table. If you need space, consider only a folding table. If needed in rehabilitation and physical therapy centers, community health centers, and health centers, we recommend Dida Healthy's vibroacoustic sound massage table.

Kızılötesi Sauna Cilt Faydaları
Masaj Masası Ağırlık Limiti
Sizin için önerilir
Hiperbarik Oksijen Uyku Tulumu HBOT Hiperbarik Oksijen Odası Best Seller CE belgesi
Uygulama: Ev Hastanesi
Kapasite: tek kişi
İşlev: iyileşmek
Kabin malzemesi: TPU
Kabin boyutu: Φ80cm*200cm özelleştirilebilir
Renk: Beyaz renk
basınçlı ortam: hava
Oksijen yoğunlaştırıcı saflığı: yaklaşık %96
Maksimum hava akışı: 120L/dak
Oksijen akışı: 15L/dak
Özel Sıcak Satış Yüksek Basınçlı hbot 2-4 kişi hiperbarik oksijen odası
Uygulama: Hastane / Ev

İşlev: Tedavi/Sağlık/Kurtarma

Kabin malzemesi: Çift katmanlı metal kompozit malzeme + iç yumuşak dekorasyon
Kabin boyutu: 2000mm(U)*1700mm(G)*1800mm(Y)
Kapı boyutu: 550mm(Genişlik)*1490mm(Yükseklik)
Kabin konfigürasyonu: Manuel ayarlı Kanepe, nemlendirme şişesi, oksijen maskesi, burun aspiratörü, Klima(isteğe bağlı)
Oksijen konsantrasyonu oksijen saflığı: yaklaşık %96
Çalışma gürültüsü:
Fabrika HBOT 1.3ata-1.5ata oksijen odası tedavisi hiperbarik oda Oturmalı yüksek basınç
Uygulama: Ev Hastanesi

Kapasite: tek kişi

İşlev: iyileşmek

Malzeme: kabin malzemesi: TPU

Kabin boyutu: 1700*910*1300mm

Renk: orijinal renk beyazdır, özelleştirilmiş kumaş örtüsü mevcuttur


basınçlı ortam: hava

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